Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Just thought I'd let anyone who's interested know that we're doing great. Busy living life, and enjoying all this lovely spring weather. =)
Anyone who'd like to contact me can email me at


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I swear I'm getting senile. I guess I'm going to have get one of those little notebooks and write down all my passwords in it. It took me forever to get logged into Blogger. I forgot the password to the GMail account, which I never use anyway, so of course I had to go through this PITA (think about it) process to get the password so I could get logged in. Grrr
For the past week or so I've felt like ten miles of bad road. I've had a cold and all that comes with it. For some reason I'm not bouncing back like I used to. This getting old[er] sucks. But what's the alternative? Don't want that for sure. Especially since I've just gotten started on living out some of my best dreams and fantasies. Now Jeff's got the sniffles and runny nose. Poor baby.
Paxster is doing much better. He's almost back to his same sweet puppydog self. The fur is beginning to grow back on his front paws. His appetite is back to normal. He's still on his meds but doesn't seem to be as lethargic as he was. He's back to begging for Mom & Dad's food so we know he's feeling better, and we're very glad (even if we don't share our snacks with him).
Is anybody watching Celebrity Apprentice? I can hardly wait for tomorrow night. I just love Trace Adkins and I love the way he's shown everybody he's not just some dumb ole country boy who can sing. I'm rooting for him to win. How wrong will it be for some tacky, tawdry Brit to win out over the all American good guy?
We're off to NC tomorrow (Thursday) to look at some property. I had no idea there was so much beautiful, scenic land for sale. If we can find something that suits us both, we just might take a leap of faith and buy it. I've always thought NC would be a great place to live.
Well it's time to go make dinner. Y'all be good!
Oh yeah, that darned pillow didn't work at all. Not to metion it's hard as a rock! Don't waste your money.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


That would be us.
The happy man camper has been teasing the happy woman camper for many weeks (months?) about her interesting (methinks he's being kind here) but loud night time noises she makes whilst sleeping. After seeing an advertisement (do these things ever really work) for a very special kind of pillow he suggested the purchase of such a miracle pillow might possibly be a wise investment. Especially if aforementioned miracle pillow allowed happy man camper to sleep sans the interesting noises emanating from happy woman camper. So off to the Mall of Georgia we went today in search of this wonderful, magnificent pillow.
Traveling with happy man camper is always a pleasure. Even on short trips. He chats, he sings (VERY well if I might say so), he holds happy woman camper's hand, not to mention that he is a most excellent chauffeur. Even short trips are always fun and interesting.
Ahh but my friends getting there is only half the fun. This wonderful man creature is also the most excellent mall companion. He loves to walk, shop, stop, explore, shop some more. He doesn't even mind that it is a necessity that I closely examine many pairs of shoes and every handbag in the mall. Can you believe he even encourages me to "go ahead get it/them..."? Is this man AMAZING or what? But oh this is not all. After suggesting we stop for a snack (simply Delicious ice cream) he casually asks, as we walk by the GODIVA Chocolates shop, "would you like a little Easter goodie...?" At this point I know I have surely died and gone to heaven. He is no doubt my reward for some amazing wonderful thing I did in one of my previous lives.
If you have never been to the Mall of Georgia then you have no idea what you've been missing. This mall is a sight to behold. There is every store imaginable there. Three floors of potentially endless shopping. So shop we did. The miracle pillow was found in a wondrous store called Brookstone. My oh my what one can find there. Said pillow was easy to find, as it was up front and largely displayed with a sign that boldly read "STOP SNORING" or some such embarrassing logo. I looked at happy man camper and ask, "Is this your way of saying I SNORE?" He smiled sweetly "Well yes sweetheart but coming from you it sounds so sweet, I just thought this might help you rest better." Now, you tell me is this man an angel or what? After much touching, squishing, and discussion, it was decided we would purchase the miracle pillow. I will tell you this much, that puppy better work, because at a cool $130 +tax, it REALLY is an INVESTMENT!
On the way home we stopped by Macy's at the Perimeter Mall to see if they still had a handbag I had admired/desired on a previous visit. Handbag was found and purchased. Only to discover when we got home that it has a faulty zipper, so it will be going back tomorrow.
After a day of shopping I was much too tired to make dinner so the good folks at O'Charley's we given the honor/pleasure of our company for dinner. Need I mention that sinfully delightful chocolate cake was desert? Speaking of which, I think I hear leftovers calling my name. Then I suppose it will be time to test out that miracle pillow. I'll let you know how it goes. The pillow thing that is. The rest I'll leave up to your imagination.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Paxster McGillicuddy Camp.
Born Jan. 20, 2007 in Montana
Birth Mother Springer Spaniel named Rosie in the Rain.
Birth Father Clumber Spaniel named Ishmel
Adopted by Mom & Dad April 24th 2007
Making us three happy CAMPer's!

He loves standing at the window watching the birds and squirrels. He's really just a big ole baby though, cause when he gets outside, HE runs from those rascally squirrels.

Paxster McGillicuddy

Here's our furry baby.

I thought I'd put up a few pictures of our boy, even thought he's not feeling so well right now. He's gotten some kind of infection (his doc says it's "mites"??whatever that means). He's been on an antibiotic for weeks now and some kind of steroid for the inflamation. Then yesterday they gave him some kind of "dip" which seems to have made things worse instead of better. He's laying around like he's in pain, his paws are raw and seeping blood. The doc says this is normal, but we're both really worried about him. He's got one of those cones around his head to keep him from licking and chewing at his feet. Poor baby.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Our Song

It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew
Now I just can't believe you're in my life
Heaven's smilin' down on me
As I look at you tonight

I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars

Soft moonlight on your face oh how you shine
It takes my breath away
Just to look into your eyes
I know I don't deserve a treasure like you
There really are no words
To show my gratitude

I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars


There are so many songs that I could use to describe our relationship, but this one comes closest.
Who are we?
"We" are Jeff and Wanda. Two people who have been blessed with finding the love of our lives in each other. The story of how and where we met is interesting to say the least and one we'll share at a later time. We live in a suburb of Atlanta GA., with our big furry baby Paxster. Pax is a Clumbinger (a new breed which is a cross between a Springer Spaniel, and a Clumber Spaniel). He is the joy of our lives. You'll probably get sick of all the pictures we'll be sharing of him.
Some of you may remember me (Wanda) from my former blogging days. Back then I wasn't a happy person. I used blogger to vent, share my frustations and along the way made some very special friends. I've come a long way since then. These days I'm living out my dreams. I met, fell in love with and this past fall married the man of my dreams. If God created a perfect man it would be my wonderful amazing husband Jeff. As time goes on you'll come to see that's not an exaggeration.
We presently share a MySpace page (, and it's pretty cool. You can hop over there and learn a little more about us. I've wanted to get back into blogging for some time now, because I miss all my old friends here in the blogosphere. I hope all of you will join us as take the plunge into blogging.
Well that's it for now. Got to go let Pax out for his morning run.